don't know why, but this one had to be rapidly extracted from my mind. it was pretty impulsive. i guess that i create better when things are dictated by impulse.
here's a small brush test slowly transformed into an image. oh, and most important, my book STRUCTURA is officially finished. it should be out in march. more informations soon.
Sparth is Nicolas Bouvier. born in France, he lives in Seattle, WA. working for Microsoft - 343Industries. ... Profile
Halo Franchise (343 Industries - Microsoft) Halo 4 (343 Industries - Microsoft) Rage (IDsoftware) Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft) Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (Ubisoft) Cold Fear(Darkworks studio) Alone in the Dark 4 (Darkworks) Structura (Artbook) 2008 Structura2 (Artbook) 2012
Concept Art (Artbook) Ballistic 2006
Published by DesignStudioPress and Released in 2008, Structura - the art of Sparth, is available at Amazon as well as DesignStudioPress. Structura is a collection of Sparth's personal artworks in addition to a selection of his professional works.