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Cenotaxis - extract

Moving from an apartment to a house is a crazy process, especially when kids are in the way when you move boxes around. actually i guess it's far more exciting for them that for us. Anyway it is now done. we moved. The house is great. huge. and we are happy and exhausted.

Tinnitus is still here, and unfortunately the 1 year milestone has been reached in august. It is sometimes hard to plan the future when you don't know what tomorrow will be made of. sound? no sound? full sound? "T", as they call it, is a bit like a torture. true it is not cancer, and theorically i'm not going to die tomorrow because of it. but when the sound is at its peak, i sometimes wonder how i'm able to deal with it without losing my mind. it's a day after day process i suppose... and there's still very bearable moments, so i'll shut my mouth.

Anyway i'm still creative, and that's probably the only thing that counts. here's an extract of an illustration i did around june, for the cover of a novel by Sean Williams, called Cenotaxis.

Comments for this entry

Andrew Glazebrook

Stunning work on this picture !!


Looks amazing, absolutely amazing, wow.

I love it, completely.


Doing the things one loves is the best thing for one’s body and soul. One can really see you love what you do. Grabbing work!

Mike Sekowski

If you only knew how many of us you inspire with these works. Brilliant as always and best of luck.

Tom Scholes

Hang in there man, your wife, kids and dare I say fanbase :O need you. Okay, the third isn't very important. It will work out.

David Cousens

Excellent picture. I'm really sorry to hear that "T" s still giving you trouble, it must be horrible.

All the best mate,


Awesome piece! I've been painting lately and I've got to say it is all because of you. Thank you for sharing your work.

Sorry about the hearing issue you're having.

Kait K.

yes, hang on.


Stunningly Sick!!! Salut!


awesome piece, lightings and designs are fantastic!
it's nice to see you show such courage and stay creative.


Beautiful stuff as always my man!!!
I find when one is creating, its like your in another world. Its amazing how, while in the creative process one tends to forget, if only for a short time, lifes thorns...amazing thing this 'art'.
Keep up the great work!


thanks for the war mmessages peeps. it's really nice of you all.
i am lucky as my "T" is pretty unstable, it comes and goes. going much better since yesterday.

glad you liked the piece.


Thom Tenery

Awesome!! I'm very excited to see you doing more cover work. You're a constant inspiration.

Lou Anders

The illustration w/layout is up on the publisher's website here:

Ramsés Meléndez

Awesome landscape!


benjamin trobat -cartoonist-



Beautiful vehicle designs!

Stephen Barnes

I've been aware of Tinitus for a while and always imagined it to be a challenge to everyday life. Then recently I was lucky enough to have just a temporary (and thankfully mild) case - and I must say that I fully admire anyone who can deal with it 24/7. Needless to say, the image is amazing also.

Brendan N

Hi sparth, I can not really imagine what it must be like to have that sound 24/7 in my ear. hang in there sir.

This last piece is fantastic, way to go on making a little go a long way. Are you still working at id software? Saw John Carmack demo the new engine the other day and I was completely blown away by the art and the world - even more so than the actual game engine. A friend of mine commented on how sparthy the world looks now. Dunno if you had a hand in that, but great work coming from you either way.


A. Riabovitchev

Simply BEAUTIFUL!:o)

Ramsés Meléndez

Awesome environment paint!looks fantastic!

Vladimir Bursać

Beautiful work! Glad you keep on making amazing art. :>)

Joshua Middleton

Beautiful work as always, but I am writing mostly to offer my support for your tinnitus. I completely understand your suffering because I have suffered with the same condition. In the darkest times, I also questioned how I could continue on.

However, I have found some answers through my experience that have helped me, and I would be happy to share with you, should you want to hear my advice.

I know that you have probably done all of the research and seen the doctors, but I am sure you also know by now that tinnitus is not well understood, so I believe any advice is worth considering. Maybe something I have gone through can help you, too.

I don't want to write a book on your blog, so please feel free to e-mail me at:

All the best,



Great work. I'm a fan and have been for awhile. keep up the good work!


Je suis un grand fan de votre travail, en tant que jeune concept artiste dans un studio de jeux vidéo à Paris je m'inspire souvent de vos travaux tant pour l'univers que pour la technique :)
(Ce message fait un peu "groupie" ^^ j'en ai conscience)


Cheer up! your works are very inspiring, and even better than the first day I discover your illustrations, don't let the T wins

Sebastien Gallego

Excellent comme d'hab Sparth!
Moi aussi je suis un francais expatrie (qui travaille dans le jeux video)... et moi aussi j'
ai Tinnitus.
It sucks.
Mais la vie continue! :)
Bon courage a toi.

alberto mielgo

I hope that I could see the whole thing soon.


Inspiring work.

Billy George

Im a huge fan Sparth. Your work has been inspiring me for years.

Thanks for posting.


most excellent work--i'm a big fan of all your PoP stuff...thanks for sharing--:)


My girlfriend wants me to send you hugs. We're both hoping you will feel better.

I'm always amazed at you, and I take a bow. Thanks for the great art and inspiration!

Robert Clapp

Sorry to read you're suffering from "T" I have it myself, and I heard once on a radio interview that the sound of crickets can help diminish the sound and bring some comfort, for some people the "T" vanished completely while the crickets where playing.

You could try that when it's especially bad to see if it helps.


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