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First of all i wanted to throw back the ball at limbolo for is extremely kind reply. (does "throw back the ball" makes any sense? .. anyway). Minimalism is not that easy to understand when talking about art. And it's a fact that even though this philosophy logically belongs to the animation world, few people have been able to amaze and fully understand what this "do less say more" process really meant. i could look at this piece from limbolo for ages.

and here's another semi abstract compo done a month or two ago. well allright, not much minimalism in there, but i'm still learning!

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Sparth added your link on my blog ;)


This one's great too! Do you usually paint foreground first or background or mid ground?


WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>

MAKE UP Thank you!


I will be looking forward to your next post. Thank you
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