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outer transport + interview

I though it was time for me to introduce to you my new concept, and i hope this one will go a long way. it's a blog dedicated to my space related images. and it's called "Outer Transport". i will slowly add more to the blog, but i was still excited having the main intent being published right now.

Also, Mihai, from Dark wolf's fantasy reviews, posted an interview i gave him the other day. it's all about casually explaining my feeling towards art and the creation process. my passions, as well as everything that goes with it. i want to thank mihai a lot as he's been very patient waiting for my different feedbacks, and i am not a very punctual guy myself. i hope you will find it interesting.

Comments for this entry

Hubert de Lartigue

Super intéressante cette interview! J'ai tout compris! :)


you have some amazing work here. very inspirational. i look forward to seeing many, many more pieces from you.


can't wait to see updates on that blog :]


amazing work as always!


Great design my friend!

Benjamin Plouffe

good stuff Sparth!

Stuart Kim

The work on your blog is phenomenal! Thanks for sharing these! Your new blog for the space vehicles is looking fantastic!!!

Chris Wood



WOW. Added it to my inspiration links. Awesome.


Je viens d'acheter Structura: je le dévore chaque jour! merci de faire partager ton travail c'est une inspiration immense.


Tres fort comme toujours Sparth!

Dilanka Samaratunga

Liking the ships, nice shapes! cant wait to see your next ship design.

sebastian meyer

Spectacular knowledge of shape and space, A+ my friend, really inspirational!

Orbital Shrimp

Wow. You make it look so effortless. Thanks for posting.

jason hazelroth

I really this ship design

Adam Ford

Just beautiful.

Lou Anders

Awesome stuff. Can't wait to see more. But are the comments enabled there? I wanted to say "awesome" on Outer Transport as well!


That’s looks so nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.


This is beautiful!!

Dupuy Quentin ( Veysh )

Sparth ! s'il te plait ! donne nous du neuf ! ça fait si longtemps que tu n'as pas posté :'( ... Tu fais un boulot remarquable, sensassionnel, enfin ya pas d'mots!! Je te souhaite une bonne année 2010 et espère que tu donneras des nouvelles très bientôt !
un fan inconditionnel...


very genuine and inspiratonal. What a pitty that you have'nt been at the iron courtain in bucharest. I was hoping you to be there. Maybe next time.:)


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