Breathtaking weirdness that is! I love the lone figure just standing in the boat, taking in all that lies in front of him. Personally, one of the most impressive aspects to your work has always been your ability to tell a story within a single image, and this is certainly no exception. I just love visiting your site. Cheers.
Mike: thanks for the kind words really. The funny thing is that I used to listen to a lot of music, weather it be ambient or movie scores, in order to stimulate my mind. In some ways, these scenes were entirely derived from the music and the atmospheres. Most of the time I preferred when i could feel the nostalgia. In order to preserve my ears, I slowly got used to not listening to anything any more. It's been a bit less than a year now. And as a result, I often "think" about the music which is not there, extrapolating the best I can, forcing the brain to recreate its own. It.s a lot of fun, but also a challenge.
wow, This is very interesting content! I have thoroughly enjoy your blog. And I simply could not resist to leave a comment. Definitely I will be following your blog for more knowledge and information.And I simply could not resist to leave a comment.
Sparth is Nicolas Bouvier. born in France, he lives in Seattle, WA. working for Microsoft - 343Industries. ... Profile
Halo Franchise (343 Industries - Microsoft) Halo 4 (343 Industries - Microsoft) Rage (IDsoftware) Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft) Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (Ubisoft) Cold Fear(Darkworks studio) Alone in the Dark 4 (Darkworks) Structura (Artbook) 2008 Structura2 (Artbook) 2012
Concept Art (Artbook) Ballistic 2006
Published by DesignStudioPress and Released in 2008, Structura - the art of Sparth, is available at Amazon as well as DesignStudioPress. Structura is a collection of Sparth's personal artworks in addition to a selection of his professional works.
Encore une superbe composition, j'essaie toujours de capter comment tu poses ton lighting et ta colorimétrie...
Breathtaking weirdness that is! I love the lone figure just standing in the boat, taking in all that lies in front of him. Personally, one of the most impressive aspects to your work has always been your ability to tell a story within a single image, and this is certainly no exception. I just love visiting your site. Cheers.
Kairo: merci bien
Mike: thanks for the kind words really. The funny thing is that I used to listen to a lot of music, weather it be ambient or movie scores, in order to stimulate my mind. In some ways, these scenes were entirely derived from the music and the atmospheres. Most of the time I preferred when i could feel the nostalgia.
In order to preserve my ears, I slowly got used to not listening to anything any more. It's been a bit less than a year now. And as a result, I often "think" about the music which is not there, extrapolating the best I can, forcing the brain to recreate its own. It.s a lot of fun, but also a challenge.
silence of the water..enchanting n mysterious land..i jus love that boat lifted for repair or under construction..weird!! :)
Another lovely piece!:o)I like te mood.
Really love the treatment you gave to the guy/boat.
I love how your images read so well!!
Amazing! The colours are fantastic!
Love the value on this one
great post, and interesting to hear about your process thinking about music
amazing!!!! looks like limbo for me )))))))))
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wow, This is very interesting content! I have thoroughly enjoy your blog. And I simply could not resist to leave a comment. Definitely I will be following your blog for more knowledge and information.And I simply could not resist to leave a comment.
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