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hundred years

i rarely have the time to post a personal piece. let's consider this the piece of the month, since my last message has been posted nearly a month ago. This illustration has been imagined while listening to some extremely relaxing ambient mixes available on the web. my second inspiration came from my friend rainart who has posted amazing experiments on forums lately.

Comments for this entry

A. Riabovitchev

I think this picture very different from you!Different palette!I love it!:O)


Love this piece as well. Makes it worth the wait when posting art like this every "month" (but hopefully sooner) :)

Bruno Gadenne

Je crois que c'est un de mes préférés ^_^ Léger, calme, cool.. parfait ! On imagine la musique rien qu'en regardant ton illu !

Jason Lethcoe

Great stuff! Makes me want to drive down the road and see what's around the corner.


beautiful... I want to be there!


Fantastic work as always!


amazing work!

francis tsai

Nice, feels just like the few minutes after an intense rain storm, when the sun comes out. I like the birdies too.


I'm joining this choir of enthusiasts with enthusiasm: it's great pic, although bit different than most of your work I know. More calm, without your usual dynamism, and rush and rapid movement in composition, different colour use (good point Andrei). But your post explains everything: it's the music!


It's so simple yet... it's not. Hard to explain. Amazing as usual.


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