Some time ago, before I discovered RSS, I used to visit your blog every few days to check for something new from the sparth universe. Mostly in vain. But now you're really on a roll again,I love it.
Sparth is Nicolas Bouvier. born in France, he lives in Seattle, WA. working for Microsoft - 343Industries. ... Profile
Halo Franchise (343 Industries - Microsoft) Halo 4 (343 Industries - Microsoft) Rage (IDsoftware) Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft) Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (Ubisoft) Cold Fear(Darkworks studio) Alone in the Dark 4 (Darkworks) Structura (Artbook) 2008 Structura2 (Artbook) 2012
Concept Art (Artbook) Ballistic 2006
Published by DesignStudioPress and Released in 2008, Structura - the art of Sparth, is available at Amazon as well as DesignStudioPress. Structura is a collection of Sparth's personal artworks in addition to a selection of his professional works.
J'ai toujours le souffle coupé!
Beautiful!I really like level of looseness on your pictures!:o)
Ouuua mais quelle production! Super style, graphique a souhait, bravo!
Some time ago, before I discovered RSS, I used to visit your blog every few days to check for something new from the sparth universe. Mostly in vain. But now you're really on a roll again,I love it.
sweet. great to see more posts(and your flickr updates!)
Very cool, as said previously the rate of new stuff is great! 3 hrs huh??? Fantastic!
It's great to see all of this new work, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
love the design of the building.
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